What products do you use?
We stock premium Tiger Drylac products as our in-house colors. We do not carry Benjamin Moore or Sherwin-Williams.
How do I select my color?
- For basic reference and non-critical color match projects, use our online color chart below. Please note, this is for not advised if you need to closely match colors. Due to variations in computer monitors online color representations are not 100% consistent or accurate.
- Visit the Tiger Drylac website and download the a copy of their most recent RAL color chart in PDF format.
- For best results, you should obtain a physical copy of Tiger's color chart.
Can you send me a Tiger Drylac RAL color chart?
Yes! Please email your mailing address to sales@archgrille.com. We will get one right out to you.
Can you do custom colors?
Yes! We can order a Custom Color for you. Please note that a set-up fee applies if we do not already have the color in-house. Ask your Estimator for further details or email sales@archgrille.com.
Be aware... there are color matching limitations
We make every effort to get you the exact color you want. However, due to factors outside our control, such as light source, material, etc., we cannot guarantee precise color representation.
RAL1000 | RAL1001 | RAL1002 | RAL1003 |
RAL1004 | RAL1005 | RAL1006 | RAL1007 |
RAL1011 | RAL1012 | RAL1013 | RAL1014 |
RAL1015 | RAL1016 | RAL1017 | RAL1018 |
RAL1019 | RAL1020 | RAL1021 | RAL1023 |
RAL1024 | RAL1027 | RAL1028 | RAL1032 |
RAL1033 | RAL1034 | RAL1037 | RAL2000 |
RAL2001 | RAL2002 | RAL2003 | RAL2004 |
RAL2008 | RAL2009 | RAL2010 | RAL2011 |
RAL2012 | RAL3000 | RAL3001 | RAL3002 |
RAL3003 | RAL3004 | RAL3005 | RAL3007 |
RAL3009 | RAL3011 | RAL3012 | RAL3013 |
RAL3014 | RAL3015 | RAL3016 | RAL3017 |
RAL3018 | RAL3020 | RAL3022 | RAL3027 |
RAL3031 | RAL4001 | RAL4002 | RAL4003 |
RAL4004 | RAL4005 | RAL4006 | RAL4007 |
RAL4008 | RAL4009 | RAL4010 | RAL5000 |
RAL5001 | RAL5002 | RAL5003 | RAL5004 |
RAL5005 | RAL5007 | RAL5008 | RAL5009 |
RAL5010 | RAL5011 | RAL5012 | RAL5013 |
RAL5014 | RAL5015 | RAL5017 | RAL5018 |
RAL5019 | RAL5020 | RAL5021 | RAL5022 |
RAL5023 | RAL5024 | RAL6000 | RAL6001 |
RAL6002 | RAL6003 | RAL6004 | RAL6005 |
RAL6006 | RAL6007 | RAL6008 | RAL6009 |
RAL6010 | RAL6011 | RAL6012 | RAL6013 |
RAL6014 | RAL6015 | RAL6016 | RAL6017 |
RAL6018 | RAL6019 | RAL6020 | RAL6021 |
RAL6022 | RAL6024 | RAL6025 | RAL6026 |
RAL6027 | RAL6028 | RAL6029 | RAL6032 |
RAL6033 | RAL6034 | RAL7000 | RAL7001 |
RAL7002 | RAL7003 | RAL7004 | RAL7005 |
RAL7006 | RAL7008 | RAL7009 | RAL7010 |
RAL7011 | RAL7012 | RAL7013 | RAL7015 |
RAL7016 | RAL7021 | RAL7022 | RAL7023 |
RAL7024 | RAL7026 | RAL7030 | RAL7031 |
RAL7032 | RAL7033 | RAL7034 | RAL7035 |
RAL7036 | RAL7037 | RAL7038 | RAL7039 |
RAL7040 | RAL7042 | RAL7043 | RAL7044 |
RAL7045 | RAL7046 | RAL7047 | RAL8000 |
RAL8001 | RAL8002 | RAL8003 | RAL8004 |
RAL8007 | RAL8008 | RAL8011 | RAL8012 |
RAL8014 | RAL8015 | RAL8016 | RAL8017 |
RAL8019 | RAL8022 | RAL8023 | RAL8024 |
RAL8025 | RAL8028 | RAL9001 | RAL9002 |
RAL9003 | RAL9004 | RAL9005 | RAL9010 |
RAL9011 | RAL9016 | RAL9017 | RAL9018 |